A lecture for teachers on the position of the Christian church during the Holocaust

On March 9, a remote lecture “Christian Church and the Holocaust,” was held for Lithuanian teachers. The lecture was given by a historian of the Yad Vashem Institute of History, dr. Daniel Romanovsky.

Dr.Romanovsky introduced the teachers to the Christian Church’s attitude towards the Holocaust in Europe during WWII. The historian presented stories of several different personalities that illustrated the people’s position: from an utterly indifferent attitude to the ongoing massacre or supporting the policy of the Nazi occupational authorities to those who sought to save Jews through baptism, encouraged the congregation to save Jews, and even organized the rescue. The lecturer emphasized in his lecture that in many cases, the church leader’s attitude to the Holocaust was determined by the person’s individual position, his attitude.

Forty-six educators from all over Lithuania attended the lecture. The event was remotely organized by the Secretariat of the International Commission in collaboration with Yad Vashem, the International School for Holocaust Studies.