A teacher from Radviliškis Vaižgantas Progymnasium’s Tolerance Education Center participates in an international working group.

On March 11, Vaida Apšegienė, Radviliškis Vaižgantas Progymnasium’s Deputy Principal, the English language teacher, participated at a two-hour international meeting on Holocaust education.

Vaida Apšegienė, representing the Tolerance Education Center of Radviliškis Vaižgantas Progymnasium, has been participating in the international teachers’ working group for three years now. This group analyzes issues of Holocaust education: difficulties in teaching the subject in lessons, changing attitudes of the young people towards the Holocaust, outbreaks of anti-Semitism in social media, and other media. Group members share and discuss educational materials and resources suitable for analyzing the Holocaust.

On March 11, our Lithuanian representative participated in a 2-hour meeting – discussion that was held remotely. The discussion was attended by 20 people, i.e. teachers, educators from Europe, and the USA. The Holocaust Museum in Washington organized the international meeting. Teacher Vaida Apšegienė started participating in this working group in 2018 when the Secretariat of the International Commission invited to participate in an international seminar in Berlin, where teachers from various countries discussed the IHRA’s recommendations – teaching about the Holocaust.