Communities of Tolerance education centers are invited to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day – 27 January

On 27 January 2020 the International Commission invites representatives of Tolerance education centers and school communities to participate in the national artistic conference “The silence, wandering on the street” to commemorate International Holocaust Remembrance Day – 27 January.

The artistic conference will take place on 27 January 2020 in Ariogala. The event is dedicated to remember the stories of the Jews living in Lithuania before World War II, to commemorate the victims of the Holocaust on the occasion of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day.

During the conference, pupils will present stories about the people having lived in Lithuanian settlements and towns. Conference attendees, planning to participate are suggested to review historical sources, witness stories, literary works, and museum exhibits. Presentations at the conference “The silence, wandering on the street“ will be given in various forms: role-plays, literary-artistic, musical compositions; presentations of video clips, drawings, posters, etc.

The International Commission has been organizing national art conferences for the International Holocaust Remembrance Day in cooperation with Tolerance centers since 2011.

Organizers of the conference in 2020: the International Commission and Tolerance education center of Ariogala gymnasium.