Lecture by Professor Šarūnas Liekis on the Bolshevik-Polish War and the Situation in Lithuania

On March 18, a remote lecture for teachers and museum staff was delivered by prof. Šarūnas Liekis.

Member of the Subcommittee on Investigation of the Crimes of the Nazi Occupation Regime and the Holocaust Assessment, prof.Šarūnas Liekis gave a lecture on “Bolshevik-Polish War in 1920. A look from the Lithuanian side”. The lecturer presented interesting facts to the educators on the Lithuanian Military (age, social status, education, and ethnicity of the officers). The historian shared insights about the war that broke on the Lithuanian border more than a hundred years ago. During the lecture, the relations between large and small states, political and diplomatic issues relevant at that time, and the connection with the present, with today’s politics were reviewed.

The lecture was attended by 34 participants (teachers and museum staff). The lecture was organized remotely by the Secretariat of the International Commission.