Participants of the poster contest “About What Was Lost” have been assessed

In January of 2021, the International Commission’s Secretariat invited public education institutions, Tolerance Education Centers, to participate in the project “About What Was Lost.” The project was dedicated to commemorating the International Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27.

The project “About What Was Lost “was for school communities. Teachers were suggested to organize lessons, film reviews, and other activities to commemorate the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Once introduced to the historical information, students were invited to create posters dedicated to International Holocaust Remembrance Day. All project-related activities took place remotely.

The works of 84 students from 22 schools in Lithuania participated in the poster contest “About What Was Lost.” Students from Lithuanian, Polish, Russian, and Jewish schools participated in this contest. A commission of 9 people assessed the students’ works. The jury was from various towns and different institutions.

The posters created by the students were divided into four age groups for recognition: grades 5 – 6, grades 7 – 8, grades 9 – 10, and grades 11 – 12. Some of the works were assessed by the jury not nominating for awards, but recognizing them “For originality”, “For historical exposure,” “For a brilliant idea”, etc.

We kindly invite you to enjoy the works created by students – the winners of the contest:

5/6 grades:


Viltė Valauskaitė, 6th grade, Radviliškis Vaižgantas progymnasium (1st place)


Joanna Konstancja Mazur, 6th grade, Vilnius Simonas Konarskis gymnasium (2nd place)


Simona Raginskytė, 5th grade, Ariogala gymnasium (3rd place)


Jokūbas Kuranda, 6th grade, Radviliškis Vaižgantas progymnasium (nomination: For a brilliant idea)


Gabrielė Stoškutė, 6th grade, Vilnius “Rytas” progymnasium (nomination: For a sensitive interpretation of history)


Emilija Krulikovskaja, 6th grade, Vilnius Simonas Konarskis gymnasium (nomination: For the concept of a poster)


7/8 grades:


Milda Kalavinskaitė, 7th grade, Vilkaviškis Salomėja Nėris school (1st school)


Laura Dilytė, 8th grade, Vilnius “Rytas” progymnasium (2nd place)


Alesia Bukel, 8th grade, Vilniaus Naujamiestis school (3rd place)


Milana Falevič, 8th grade, Vilnius Naujamiestis school (nomination: For the concept of a poster)


Ida Iveta Jankovskaja, 7th grade, public Menachemas gymnasium (nomination: For the original poster idea)


9/10 grades:


Gerda Valentinavičiūtė, 10th grade, Alytus Adolfas Ramanauskas – Vanagas gymnasium (1st place)


Liepa Siauraitytė, 10th grade, Alytus Adolfas Ramanauskas – Vanagas gymnasium (2nd place)


Saulė Marija Zagorskaitė, 10th grade, Kaunas Veršvos gymnasium (3rd place)


Alika Meinzer, 10th grade, Vilnius Lazdynai school (nomination: For a symbolic brevity)


Martynas Bernatonis, 10th grade, Kaunas art gymnasium (nomination: For the poster mastery)


Kristupas Keršis, 10th grade, Mažeikiai Gabija gymnasium (nomination: For a historic exposure)


Marija Tumanovičiūtė, Olga Ramus, 9th grade, Vilnius Naujamiestis school (nomination: For the style integrity)


11/12 grades:


Gustė Adamavičiūtė, Rugilė Akelytė, 11th grade, Kalvarija gymnasium (1st place)


Gabija Kunijauskaitė, 11th grade, Kaunas art gymnasium (2nd place)


Julija Stankevičiūtė, 12th grade, Kaunas Veršvos gymnasium (3rd place)


Adriana Radvilovič, 11th grade, Vilnius Juzefas Ignacijus Kraševskis gymnasium (nomination: For the concept of a poster)


Gudas Radvilas, 11th grade, Kaunas art gymnasium (nomination: For the poster mastery)