Publication “Passport. Litvaks“ was presented to the Lithuanian educational community

On May 11, presentation of the publication – the book “Passport. Litvaks” – was held for Lithuanian teachers and museum employees.

The book, which is also called a magazine, was presented by the publisher Kęstutis Pikūnas. The publisher explained to the participants about the book’s idea and purpose – how to represent Lithuania to the world through the stories of different people. The book publisher told about his acquaintance with Irena Veisaitė, a literary critic, thanks to whom his acquaintance with the history of Lithuanian Jews began. Presenting the book, Kęstutis Pikūnas talked about conversations with Litvaks living in other countries and about the topics revealed in the interviews presented in the publication.

The book’s presentation to the educational community was organized by the Secretariat of the International Commission. This event aimed to encourage teachers to get acquainted with the articles presented in the book “Passport. Litvaks” on Lithuanian Jewish history, unique interviews, and insights of historians, philosophers, and publicists about anti-Semitism, the exile of Jews and Lithuanians, the Holocaust, and the desire to know that particular part of Lithuanian Jewish history that was destroyed during the Nazi occupation.