The International Seminar about Holocaust Remembrance

16th-18th of May, the international seminar for educators from the  European Union was organized in Paris. Ingrida Vilkiene, the coordinator of educational programs at the Secretariat of the International Commission, attended this seminar. Lecturers from France presented many lectures on Holocaust in Europe and France. The possibilities of teaching on Holocaust topic in different subjects were presented to participants as well.

 Educators visited Drancy Memorial of Shoah. During the Nazi occupation, this place was a transit camp for Jews before deportation to Nazi camps in Poland.  The participants also visited the Museum – Memorial with  76,000 wall-engraved names of Jews who were deported from France. Most of them were murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the rest at Sobibor, Lublin, Majdanek and Kaunas/Reval camps, between 1942 and 1944.

The organizers of the seminar were the Council of Europe and Memorial de la Shoah in France.