The issues of Jewish autonomy were discussed in a lecture for educators

On March 2, professor Šarūnas Liekis gave a lecture on the Jewish autonomy that existed in interwar Lithuania from 1919 through 1924.

Member of the International Commission’s Subcommittee on Investigation of the Crimes of the Nazi Occupation Regime and Holocaust Assessment, professor Šarūnas Liekis discussed the establishment of Jewish autonomy in independent Lithuania. The lecturer told a group of teachers and museologists about the situation after WWI, the political problems of European countries, analyzing in parallel the policy of the Lithuanian state, and the situation of national minorities. Historian Šarūnas Liekis named Jewish autonomy as a social experiment, explaining to a large audience what aspects of Jewish autonomy were essential to the Jewish community members. At the same time, the lecturer provided examples of Jewish autonomy from Estonia and Ukraine’s history.

The lecture, which was held remotely, was attended by 45 attendees. The educational event was organized by the Secretariat of the International Commission.