The pupils from a gymnasium got familiar with the Jewish holidays by participating in the educational program

On October 25, the Tolerance Education Center‘s pupils from Alytus “Putinų“ Gymnasium visited the
Vilna Gaon State Jewish Museum and participated in the educational program “Autumn Festivities”.
Natalya Cheifc, an educator and museologist, told about the Jewish New Year festival Rosh Ha-Shan,
about the dishes needed on the New Year’s table – pomegranates, grapes and a fish head – why it is
necessary to spend as much time as possible during Sukot in a specially built temporary tent, what are
the decorations of this festival and why four plant types are required: lemon, palm, myrtle and willow.
This pupils’ trip to Vilnius was held during the implementation of the project “Traces of the Jewish
Culture in Alytus”. The project is funded by the TOLI Institute from New York, the USA. Activities with
pupils are organized by a Lithuanian language teacher Ligita Sarapienė.