Virtual Tour of the YadVashem History Museum (Jerusalem, Israel)

On March 22, a virtual presentation of the YadVashem Museum was organized for Lithuanian teachers and museum employees.

The virtual introduction to the YadVashem History Museum was organized remotely. 47 Lithuanian teachers and museum staff had the opportunity to get acquainted with the expositions of the YadVashem Museum. The virtual tour introduced exhibits on Jewish life in Europe before World War II, the development of anti-Semitism, the rise of the Nazi party and Hitler, and the mass murder of Jews during World War II. The tour to the History Museum was organized by an employee of the YadVashem institution, Mr.Frederik Drachinsky.

This virtual presentation of the YadVashem History Museum was organized by the Secretariat of the International Commission together with its long-term partner – YadVashem, the International School of Holocaust Studies.